One-of-a-kind, original paintings using espresso and water: the ingredients to craft an americano. Based in Columbus, Ohio, Studio Americano is a reflection of my love for art, architecture, and coffee.
artwork • Logo design • Visual strategy• Website • social
khoj lab
khōj . खोज in Hindi – (to) search, discern, discover, research and explore. Discovery is the essence of improving the future.
Khoj Lab is an innovation catalyst unique in their ability to bring an operational view to innovation. They work with innovation labs, product leaders, strategy teams, and operations functions to ensure the impact of innovation efforts. With expertise in user research, process innovation, customer experience, business strategy, and lean methodologies, Khoj Lab works across technology, architecture, manufacturing, healthcare, consumer packaged goods, retail, and the non-profit sector.
Primary logo
Logo design • Visual strategy• business cards • social branding • custom pattern
Illustration style + k wordmark
LinkedIn profile branding
Payday Football
Draft teams + manage your own league
Don't let fantasy draft day busts or injuries ruin your season. In Payday, you root for teams rather than players. This means no more weekly commitments to adjust your lineup or stressing over last-minute injury updates. After the draft there are no responsibilities so you can get back to what you really love – watching the game!
Prior to the regular season, participants compete in a live auction to draft a lineup of teams. Everyone begins with the same salary cap, which is used to bid for teams. The owner with the most points after the season is crowned the Payday Champion!
Logo design • Content strategy • User Experience
Beginning of draft day
Last team up for grabs on draft day
Tavella Lawn Care
Lawn maintenance + mowing services in Central Ohio
Logo design • business cards • apparel
Carriage trail
Neighborhood signage for new luxury custom homes in Powell, Ohio